Parkinson’s Lay states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion.
The paradox with this law can be defined as what we call work and how long it should take. The law assumes our own set of values ,as to how long to take to achieve a specific goal. This is created by the setting up of man made deadlines that forces a competitive approach to time.
The whole precept of procrastination is purely artificial. The point is that we have so many hours of activity and it is the efficiency of this activity that is really the issue. An old saying demonstrates this idea that states ‘if you want something done ask a busy person.’ I would question that being busy is not being productive. People feel that they must remain busy to feel whole and successful. Is it necessary too complete a task to justify your life even if the task is pointless. Time spent thinking is undervalued because it is not measurable in modern society.

It is true, people do stretch things out but this is usually because they don’t really want to do them. When they are passionate and ‘on fire’ for some project they try to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is especially exemplified within the world of study and education. Exams act as a deadline to study yet many students will waste much of their time until the test approaches. They then attempt to cram with varying results. If their cramming is effective and their results positive then that was efficient for them. If not we can say that either they weren’t interested in the subject of cramming just doesn’t work for them. Academic institutions will set arbitrary timespans for study like three years to obtain a degree that won’t suit many students.
Finally I feel the only ways people are motivated to achieve an unpleasant activity is through fear, a sense of getting over a hurdle or something pleasant or worthwhile that is gained from it.