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Why do humans go to war?

This is a complex subject that will usually have a political answer’. However the truth is that there are underlying causes that are seldom addressed to explain this phenomena War is regarded as a part of humanities experience that is assumed as inevitable like famine pandemics and the like.

However there is little reason that any of us really benefit from war as a race though it does ensure power of freedom from the winner whilst causing suffering and distress from the vanquished.

I intend to express the causes below as itemised points allowing you as the reader to make up your own mind as to the veracity of my argument

1 Economic instability

It has been shown that economies become periodically unstable no matter what their political colour, Capitalism the master of western financial systems is designed to overheat every so often requiring a reset. There is a whole global industry around providing the tools and recourses for war which is few by national aggression . Within other systems such as dictatorships there is a need is to retain the status quo so war will be seen as a defensive option. Most modern wars are actually about wealth the transfer of land and grasping at the perceived lack of resources for the planet to share

2 The nature of mankind

We are in essence a hunter gatherer species and have a genetic propensity to kill to survive . Even vegans will eat plantlike that has lived as the only foods that are not organic are the minerals. Young men are particularly prone to prove their masculinity through taking up arms when the national call comes. Women are less focused this way but retain some of the male hormone so can be trained to think the same way should the need arise. Governments who are top promoters of warfare seldom have to do the fighting so their sense of worth is to do with their status in holding onto power. War for the uninitiated seems an acting adventure built into the psyche of the youth as it will of the identify their whole life . However once experienced they often feel disgusted by the brutality of the conflict and will often suffer physically and mentally for the rest of their lives following the experience,

3 Belief versed pragmatism

I have never believed that religion is why humanity engage in wars. Is simply an excuse. Wars are conducted due to the ease in which it is possible to continue fighting based on the industrial environment at the time. World War 1 was a blood bath for four years because of the newly developed transportation of the railways helping the protagonists get troops to the front as efficiently as possible. Wars become a way of life and once in full swing are difficult to conclude. Innovation also comes out of war and often progresses technology exponentially.

4 Universal comparisons .

Modern science has suggested that the future of our universe is due to entropy . This theory suggests that all is moving from order to chaos as time moves forward. Man tries to control the nature of chaos by applying work but ultimately chaos will return. See what happens if you stop tilling your garden . it becomes overgrown and chaotic . War is essentially mans attempt to create order on his terms but as with all chaotic systems chaos will always return In fact war actually accelerates chaos leaving humanity worse off than before.

5 Individual comparisons

So far I have taken war to mean the conflict between nations states. In reality this is only a way of fighting our personal battles by proxy. War brings people together to serve a higher cause. The desire to see the bigger picture only reflects our petty battles. The road to destruction rally does start with petty battles. Some advocate a complete reset with a global government. This would be a disaster as that power will don anything to retain their control including making war on any desenmters

Published inIdeas Worth Consideration.
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