Is our Universe simple or complex?
There are five major components of the universe which are summarised as Space, Time, Matter, Energy and Consciousness.
The first four are examples of the physical universe and define the what and the how of the cosmos whereas the fifth defines the why of the universe and can said to be the spiritual component .
I believe the structure of the universe is basically very simple whereas the complexity occurs where the above components interact . The fifth component has the greatest affect on the other four as it is here where decisions can be made to affect our physical environment. We can chose to cut a tree down or just leave it in place. The nigher the consciousness the greater the potential to make decisions. Trillions of atoms will react to just our chosing to make a cup of tea.

Within human experience our decision making skills are propagated by the desire to survive both on an individual basis and collectively for the continuation of the species. To this end we have developed the principle of competition where our choices are directed at our own person family or tribe at the expense of other individuals families or tribes.
To this end we have used our intellect to make situations complicated so the other cannot overrun our territory. One massive example of this is how we use language to exclude others from understanding what we are about. The professions, especially the financial sector, will wrap their knowledge in long words that baffle the general public. Simple ideas become so cryptic that few will get the meaning thus ensuring the elitism of the profession concerned.
Education does not aspire to help the masses understand rather to select an elite to take over the mantle of the rulers of society. To have a underclass is crucial to the management of society. If the whole population had a doctorate degree there would not be enough to sweep the streets. Society would have to an adjust the status of street sweeping by making it competitive and therefore desirable. They would create a fictional skill , language , or entry requirement to make it an elite activity .
I believe there is very little difference in ability between all of us. It all comes down to where we are positioned or position ourselves within society. The energy required to make the most of our lives is largely potential. Kinetic energy is generated by action whereas potential energy is generated by position. We would do well to teach our children more about the potential so their actions would be more productive.