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The best activity for both mind and body

The best hobby that can improve both our mind and body is dancing. There are so many types of dances but they work best when music acts as a backing for rhythm and flow.

I have identified five benefits that make an enormous different to our lives which I would like to share with you.

1 Fitness

You can improve your general and cardiovascular fitness not to say your suppleness when dancing regularly. The most effective type of dancing for cardio , is disco pop and rave? clubbing dance that is not choreographed but involves random movement to music.

2 Sociability

More formal dancing has a huge social advantage and is a great way to meet people. It is great fun to do and can be structured from ballroom and flamenco, line and kale dance. These dances often have a compare who take you through the moves as you go. Many relationships have started at one form of dance or another but the pop disco/ rave type of dancing has the disadvantage of loud music reducing conversation. Dating here is usually initiated by physical attraction whereas in formal dancing the date will spring from conversation and has more of a personality source.

3 Mental Health

Coordinated activity, repetition and moving to a rhythm are excellent for good mental well being. We can easily lose ourselves in the dance process and through regular activity with others can act as a terrific support with anxiety based health issues

4 Mood enhancement

Dancers can use their mood enhancement to improve areas outside the dance experience. Regular dancers will often find they can tackle problems and projects more easily due to partaking in this amazing hobby. A night at a disco often leaves individuals more confident and alert to take on the next day. I would however warn that to obtain the best out of dancing you should enjoy it for its own sake. When people see it simply as a way of finding a sexual partner it can be disappointing if you go home without a date.

5 Discipline

The discipline of formal dancing produces discipline in the partakers. It is similar to how the military install discipline through drill. The formality has also spurned a new celebrity focused on programmes like Strictly Come Dancing. People love to watch disciplined movement especially when it provide art and glamour.

So I recommend if anyone of reasonable fitness is feeling like a new activity contemplate getting on your dancing shoes and go for it. There are many types of dance so chose what you enjoy most.

As they say. When the going gets tough the dancer gets going.


Published inIdeas Worth Consideration.
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