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Thought for the day

The difference between moderates and extremists

Moderates have the same aims but different methods too achieve their goals whilst extremists have different aims but the same methods

Throughout history there has been a drive towards moderation punctuated by periods of extreme politics and brutality. Extremism is the result of an imbalance in human behaviour and is fuelled by money. Poverty , often the result of a totalitarian regime will drive others to rise up in an extreme way, causing bloodshed and all manor of sufferings.

Democracy is a periodic attempt to overcome extreme views and the major tool of moderate politics. Ideas and methods of execution of the law vary from one party to the next. Extremists on the other hand only have one method and that is suppression . Extreme communism or fascism are equally brutal and appeals to the downtrodden until they experience its effect . Extreme religious groups are just as toxic using fear as a weapon of social control as with their political counterparts.

What should society do to steer a path between the two. With moderate governance corruption can easily set in as an underground economy that feeds on complacency from the general public whereas the same corruption is seen in extreme societies who deprive the populas of choice and freedom due to regimentation.

The tool used by both are control of the media and massive bureaucracy , Today the media controls the masses by overloading them with information whereas in the past they would control by withholding information. Truth is the first casualty of this situation as both deny the truth by undermining a belief system that reduces debate and stops individuals questioning the givens .


Published inIdeas Worth Consideration.
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