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I feel that poetry is a way of distilling many ideas in a few words. It is designed to create a mood , an atmosphere or just to impart knowledge. I prefer poetry that rhymes which will upset the purists who feel that rhyming verse somehow diminishes the gravitas of the poetry.

Poetry is less popular than music as it doesn’t affect the emotions as directly. The rhythm in the read or spoken word is an acquired taste whereas the beat, vibration and wavelength of music can harmonise with brain rhythms very easily.

The best poetry has a message which might be purely one of aesthetic or could have long term political consequences. Abstract poetry often blind verse will be compared with many elements of modern abstract art. It reflects the sufferings and attitude of the writer and makes no attempt to entertain educate or inform the reader. People will claim the significance of the writing based purely on the status of the author. It is rather like thousands attending a speech just because it is given by a celebrity and the content and delivery are irreverent to the assembled audience.

Poets are unlikely to become superstars as their musical counterparts often are. The reason is simple. Everyone feels they can write poetry. It is difficult to measure the relative quality between one poet and another. Poets who have become successful usually have another string to their bow. They are from a minority group have a story to tell have suffered or have another media skill to offer like music comedy or art.

I thinking it is like the painting and decorating trade within the construction industry. It is hard to make money in this trade as everyone thinks they can paint and decorate. How different is that to plastering electrics and plumbing regarded as magic arts by many.

Peter Bull (Author of the book Get In Touch With Your Talking Heads)

Published inEducationalGeneral KnowledgeIdeas Worth Consideration.OdditiesPoetry
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