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Why cheating at sport is so reviled in our society

Many communities apply much of their collective emotions to their sports and sporting heroes. Sport is a reflection of tribal identity and as such carries a similar commitment to many an intimate relationship. Sport is a moderated way of expressing the competitive nature of humanity where communities such as towns, cities , countries , professional groups and educational institutions can excel.

Sport is also seen as an ethical alternative to war that does not culminate in the killing of your opponent. A referee is the civilian equivalent to the Geneva Convention or the International court of human rights. They ensure fare play by all the protagonists involved.

When someone cheats in sport such taking a performance enhancing drug , negative emotions of sporting addicts are stirred. To break the rules are symbolic of committing warcrimes in conflict situations and are loathed by the public and media alike. Punishments go from a ban to a fine to a custodial sentence to worse is some societies. In certain communities to lose is tantamount to cheating based on the way they treat the losers.

I realise that sport is a symbolic reflection of human conflict and a very safe one at that. However within the realm of the subconscious, to cheat in sport has a similar response from sporting addicts as violent crime and warfare.

Peter Bull.

Published inEducationalPoetrySociety
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