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The success of all comers is in the 10%

There is in all of the Universe a great deal of wastage. The wastage is only measurable when you try to form order out of chaos. Are any of the plants in the garden a waste? They are when you are trying to make the garden ordered. Then the weeds are to you a waste product, to be dug up and burnt.

When fossil fuels are burnt there is the waste gases, heat, light and energy which just goes up in smoke. They are wasted from our point of view because we only want the energy that is usable for us. The brain is the same where eighty % of the brain is junk DNA. We only use a tiny bit of it. What makes the brain different from any other wasted material is that the brain is aware that some of its substance is wasted.

You probably know of the 80 20 rule where it says that 80 % of outcomes are derived from 20 % of causes. All of our achievements are based on only 20 % of our efforts. This suggests one thing to me. If the greatest minds are achieving all they do from just 20 % and we mere mortals could increase our outcomes to 30% from our potential we would becomes great minds ourselves.

No human ever reaches their full potential. To excel in one area of endeavour will surpress another area. Our potential does not need to be reached to obtain excellence in any field. The amount of ability we have been given is important but is not as important as expanding within our limitations. One example is the following. If you imagine potential as having the ability boundaries with a ruler of one metre in length. We will never go beyond the metre mark. However we do have an infinite number of decimals between the ends of the ruler which can be expanded and our success will be tailored by how much we grow within its ends.

Peter Bull MBE ( Author of the Get In Touch Series )

Published inGeneral KnowledgeIdeas Worth Consideration.OdditiesSocietyUniverse
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