The universe is made up of trillions of interactions based on four basic entities These entities are Space ,Time, Energy and Matter. The first letter of each spells the word STEM . In modern educational culture the word STEM is used to encourage a focus on scientific training and future professional careers. S is for Science , T is for Technology, E is for Engineering and M is for Maths.
Stem subjects encapsulate the entire range of scientific disciplines just as The Universal STEM encapsulates the fundamental components of the Cosmos. There is however the concept of consciousness that makes the other four relevant to us as living intelligent entities within our universal experience. It is out consciousness that can create awareness that the universe exists in the first place and might explain the why of creation through religion and spirituality.
There are trillions of interactions each second occurring within our known universe but they all fall within the perception of the Universal STEM. Every interaction in the Universe is concerned with Space , Time, Energy and Matter. Matter might exist as ordinary , dark or antimatter but remains matter. Energy might exist in both ordinary and dark but is still energy. Space might have several dimensions but is still space and Time can be directional and relative but is still time.

The thing I have noticed is that all complexity can be broken down to a few simple concepts that have an ever changing set of arrangements to generate an effect in any system. Take digital technology as an example. Everything, no matter how complex boils down to a swith that is either on or off. That switch is converted from hardware to software by representing the on and off as ones and zeros. In effect the binary code is the basis of all computer language.
In maths there are a few dozen axioms that define all the mathematics ever discovered. This is why STEM of the Universe is such an effective way to understand the complexity of the Cosmos whilst STEM of education is a perfect tool to achieve this understanding.
Peter Bull ( Author of Get In Touch With Your Universe)