In previous blog I mentioned that when at the Gym you could improve by rounding up your efforts to the next kilometre or the next time depending which comes last. In this blog I want to talk about diet which is the absolute opposite.
Exercise is essentially an active pursuit whereas dieting is passive . Most diets consist at least in part of denial of some food that is fattening or not nutritious. The rounding up method does not work here. In this case rounding up involves saying ” I might continue to pig out today as I have started and I will start the diet tomorrow.

When rounding up with diets you continually put off getting started till tomorrow ,the new week, the new month or the next year. It never happens as we use our previous mismanagement to justify the next round of indulgence.
The only solution is to stop where you are and start the diet now. It can be in the middle of a week, a day or even a meal. If we are on a pignut chuck the rest in the bin. This will break the rounding up cycle as the only time to change is now this minute, this second and moment in time.
Peter Bull (Author of the Get In Touch Series)