Much of the self help industry focuses on the idea that to become more successful you need to associate with successful people. This has both its advantages and disadvantages. It is true that when you mix with successful people you can learn from them and some of their glitter might rub off on you.
On the other hand it can be counter productive. For example if your desire is to become very wealthy and you attempt to mix with the rich you will feel like a fish out of water. You won’t be able to copy their lifestyle as they will be spending lots of money doing things you can’t afford. The frugal rich tend not to socialise very much and any interactions they have are usually with family and close friends.
It would be far better to associate with a range of people from all walks of life. Opportunities to make money are more apparent when dealing with poorer people. Spending time with a hedge fund manager will be a waste of time if you know nothing about finance, futures and options. They say that your income is the average of the five people closest to you and that is a good place to start.

I liken it to a game I loved ,that is squash. In a club you play in a league where you find your place by beating some members, drawing with others and being beaten by the rest. Provided you continue in this vain you will remain in the same league. However with hard work you will slowly improve and eventually be promoted to the next league. You see not everyone in the league will put in the effort you have as they are content to stay where they are.
Success is a journey step by step and cannot be the product of a short cut by jumping in at the top. Influencers in the Internet world give the impression of overnight success but in reality they have been regular contributors to on line platforms for many years before they become an ” overnight success “
Peter Bull ( Author of the Get In Touch Series )